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Course Kicks off on 13th May 2024 - Get it at a Special Launch Price








The Self Love Circle

Spiritual female entrepreneurs who want to ditch their procrastination and build a successful business.

Unlock Your Full Potential: Overcome Procrastination, step into motivation and clear blocks to achieving your business goals

Introducing Energize Your Intentions: A Journey Beyond Procrastination

Imagine your life not held back by procrastination. You can easily achieve your goals and intentions. Where you learn to use your delays as stepping stones to get to success. This is the reality waiting for you at the end of this course.

With this course, you’re overcoming procrastination and learning about your strengths, stepping into your power. You’re about to unlock a new version of you that loves action. Plus you will develop more confidence, and achieve goals with purpose and clarity.

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Butterfly Transformation

You are tired of…


Constantly Battling Yourself


Feeling Stuck and Unfulfilled


Overwhelmed by Negative Thoughts and Self-Doubt


Feeling like a victim of circustance


Overwhelm and Confusion that Cloud your Vision


Never dealing with the root of your procrastination


Feeling like you just need to work harder

If you are ready to really move beyond procrastination and take action in your life then Energize Your Intentions is for you.

You want to bust procrastination for good, so you tried….


Productivity Tools and Techniques

You’ve tried various time management systems, productivity apps, and goal-setting frameworks, only to find that these methods don’t address the deeper emotional or spiritual reasons behind your procrastination.


Self-Help and Motivation Strategies

Books, seminars, and courses that focus on surface-level advice, such as “just push through” or “stay positive,” may have provided temporary inspiration but failed to create lasting change or address deeper spiritual needs.


Isolated Spiritual Practices

You might have explored various spiritual practices independently, such as meditation, yoga, or chanting, without the guidance to integrate these practices into a cohesive journey towards self-understanding and empowerment.

Here’s a daring question for you

How would your life change if you could energise your intentions and finally bust procrastination for good?

Discover the pathway to Empowerment


Moving from Stuck to Strength

Mercedes Aspland

The Power of understanding and deep inner connection.

Procrastination has always been something that I suffered from. Never more so then when I have to do my tax. Even though I know it is a simple job I would still leave it until the last minute.

When I began to really understand what it was that was making me procrastinate my life changed. I now take on those difficult task as they arise. The result, reduced stress and so much more energy for all the things I love to do.

BUT then I had a child and knew I wanted to start a business but felt so stuck. I lacked inspiration, or so I thought. The reality was I was scared of chasing my dreams, the thing I had always wanted to do.

So I gave myself some time, relaxed and took time to really think about what was going on deep within me. It was then that I realised the self sabbotage that was in control and so I learned to deal with my procrastination demons once and for all. 

This is the secret formula to success

Awakening + Alignment + Ascending = Action

Knowing this lead me to amazing results in my life:


Moving House with Ease

When I wanted to be close to family I did not hesitate and quickly put a plan in action so that we could be together for Christmas.


Improved Skills

Becasue I did delay on taking new training and jumped in with 2 feet I expanded my knowledge base and skills.


Enhanced Business Success

By taking action before I was ready I have been able to build several successful businesses.


Reduced Anxiety

Instead of worrying about those difficult tasks I quickly dealt with them and reduced my anxiety.


Large Following

By facing my fears and getting present online I have built a large audience in a quick time.


More Time with Family

Because I am getting stuff done, it means when I get my son from school I am actually able to be present with him.

The best thing?

Spring into Action along with personal growth, transforming not just your reality, but you, at your very core

This is true procrastination busting: a journey that energises your intentions, letting your achieve your goals.

So how does it work exactly?

All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

to bust your procrastination

Serene Natural Landscape


Awaken to the underlying causes of procrastination and realise your personal and spiritual blockages. It’s about becoming aware of your own patterns and potential for change.

Comforting Embrace


Start aligning your actions with your values, goals, and spiritual practices. It signifies the process of harmonising inner intentions with outer actions to create a cohesive, purpose-driven life & work ethic.

Community Gathering


Implement the strategies and insights gained from the course. Don’t just overcome procrastination but experiencr growth, productivity, and fulfillment in personal & professional areas.

The Self Love Circle

Welcome to…

Energize Your Intentions

A transformative course designed to guide you to understanding the causes of your procrastination, so you can overcome it for good. Take control of your life and get more done.

7 Day Refund Guarantee

self love circle

on the inside

What you’ll learn



In Awaken, you go on a journey of discovery, peeling back the layers of procrastination to uncover the root causes of your stagnation. This phase brings you face-to-face with the fears, overwhelm, and disconnection that hinder your progress, offering insights and practices to foster self-awareness and emotional clarity. 




Fear Unravelled

Overcome fears of failure and perfectionism.


Clarity amidst Overwhelm

Cut through overwhelm for crystal clear insight.


Intention Setting

Set clear, actionable intentions as the foundation of your manifesting journey.

inner peace


The Align phase equipes you with practical tools and strategies to harmonize your daily actions with your spiritual values and personal goals. It’s about creating a seamless flow between your inner intentions and outer realities, ensuring that every step taken is filled with purpose and aligned with your larger vision. 




Strategic Prioritisation

Adopt goal setting that aligns with your journey.


Time Mastery

Use spiritual practices to boost productivity.


Environmental Harmony

Create a nurturing environment and rituals.

Community Gathering


The Ascend marks the pinnacle of your transformation, where growth meets the realisation of your long-term intentions. It’s about becoming the empowered you are, equipped with the tools, knowledge, and practices to continue evolving. This phase is a celebration of your journey and a commitment to living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and proactive achievement. 




Momentum and Reflection

Celebrate progress and the value of reflection.


Personal Mastery

Advance in emotional resilience and time management.


Life Integration

Integrate practices for sustained growth and success.


I already bought so many things that didn’t help me, why do I need this course?


This course is not only affordable but has the ability to not only sort out your procrastination but change your life. With a deeper understanding of you, you can address your procrastination triggers before they take hold. Included in the course:


Bitesize Modules

Be taken on a step by step process to bust your procrastinations in short bitesize videos that are easy to digest and fit into your schedule.


Exclusive Meditations

To support the process I have recoreded unique meditations that will enhance your learning and get you in the right mindset for success.


Exclusive EFT Tapping Sessions

Have limiting beliefs that need busting, use my exclusive tapping sessions to help move through them (no experience needed) and get back to your true state.


Exclusive Workbook

You will have access to supportive material when you sign up to this course that you can dowload directly to your computer.


Community Support

Immerse yourself in a supportive and uplifting community of like-minded individuals, all dedicated to the mutual journey towards action.


Accessible Expertise

Gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience without breaking the bank, making achieving your goals affordable and within reach.

All this for just $97 $37

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Product Price
Energise Your Intentions $97.00

50 Overcoming Procrastination Affirmation Cards

50 beautifully designed affirmation cards, available immediately. These cards can be used as inspiration to help you focus on overcoming your procrastination. Pick one daily and repeat through the day!

Morning Mindset Masterclass

Save 54% on this masterclass and get it for only $17. Learn why a morning routine is so important, how to create your own unique routine and get loads of resources to get your started.

I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions. *

What members say

Testimonials from my students

Jump into this transformative course today

Get it for Only $97 $37 per month

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Q: How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?

A: I’ve designed the course to fit into even the busiest schedules, requiring just a few minutes each week. Each module is structured to maximize learning and growth without overwhelming you, ensuring you can progress at a pace that feels comfortable and manageable.

Q: Is the investment in this course worth it?

A: Absolutely. The course is an investment not just in overcoming procrastination but in a deeper understanding and transformation of your life and habits. The tools, techniques, and insights you gain are invaluable, offering long-term benefits far beyond the course’s conclusion.

Q: I’ve tried similar courses without success. How is this one different?

A: My course is unique because it addresses both the surface-level symptoms of procrastination and the deeper emotional and spiritual roots. With a focus on self-discovery, alignment, and sustained growth, it offers a holistic approach not found in other programs.

Q: What if I struggle to overcome my procrastination, even with this course?

A: I understand that change is a process, and it’s normal to have ups and downs. The course is designed to support you through those challenges, offering strategies to understand and work through your procrastination, ensuring you have the support you need to succeed.

Q: Is this course suitable for someone like me?

A: This course is designed for individuals ready to go deep into their procrastination habits and seek lasting change. Whether you’re new to personal development or have been on this journey for a while, if you’re committed to transformation, this course is for you.

Q: How do I know this course will really help me?

A: My course is built on proven principles of personal development, psychology, and spiritual growth, tailored to address procrastination at its core. With a blend of practical tools and deep insights, it’s structured to facilitate real, lasting change.

Q: Will I see immediate results from this course?

A: While some insights and benefits can be experienced quickly, true transformation is a process. This course is designed to provide both immediate relief from procrastination and the foundation for long-term growth and fulfillment.

Q: Can an online course truly provide a transformative experience?

A: Yes, the digital format of this course allows for a flexible and accessible learning experience, enabling deep personal transformation. With a mix of video lessons, interactive exercises, and community support, you’ll find it a powerful medium for growth.

Q: Will this course add more to my already overwhelmed state?

A: My aim is to alleviate overwhelm, not add to it. The course content and exercises are designed to be engaging and uplifting, helping you manage and reduce feelings of being overwhelmed as you progress through each phase.

Q: How is this course delivered?

A: The course is delivered online through a blend of video lessons, downloadable resources, and exercises. Each module is designed for ease of access, allowing you to engage with the content from anywhere, at any time, according to your schedule. Additionally, we offer a supportive online community where you can connect with fellow participants for shared learning and encouragement. With lifetime access to the course materials, you can revisit the lessons and exercises as often as needed, ensuring ongoing growth and application.

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.


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© 2024 | Inner transformation & awakenting community

Inner transformation & awakenting community

11 castle street



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